Wednesday, August 24, 2011

August Update

Dear Praying Friends and Family,

My heart is just bursting with gratitude as I sit down to write this update to you all. The Lord has been abundantly manifesting His goodness and faithfulness, and so often I find myself humbled and awed by His love. What has He been up to? Please allow me to share...

During my time at home the Lord gave many opportunities for ministry, including the following: participating in Vacation Bible School, presenting my ministry in three different churches, helping in the music program at my church, celebrating my parents 20 years of ministry at Faith Baptist Church, and encouraging my family. One great answer to prayer is His complete provision of the funds needed for this year of ministry in Peru. Praise the Lord!

On August 11th, I boarded a plane once again to return to Lima. Although I still dreaded goodbyes at the airport, my heart was also filled with anticipation to return to the work in Peru. Once I arrived, the expression “hit the ground running” took on a new meaning, as classes at Fetzer began on Monday, August 15th! Today marks the mid-point of our second week of school, and things are slowly settling back into a routine. I am enjoying teaching both a Junior High and a High School English class this year, and look forward to learning and growing along with my students. It is fun to return to work with some previous students and get to know others that are new. Along with teaching, I continue to help out as needed in the library and office. I am also currently teaching music lessons to 6 piano students and 3 flute students. It is a joy to share with them my love of music!

One of the greatest blessings since coming back has been returning to the work at my church, Iglesia Bautista El Manantial. Having ministered there during the past year, it has been wonderful to return and pick up the relationships with the people. A special praise is that my friend, Vicky, has expressed a desire to continue working with me in the teenage girls Sunday school class. We are making plans for how we can better minister to the girls and get involved in their lives. This week our church also began construction on the third floor of the building! This floor will eventually become an apartment for a future pastor and his family. Please pray for safety, adequate funds, and church unity as the construction gets underway.

Thank you for the ways in which each of you is a part of this ministry. Please rejoice with me and thank our Father for His goodness and provision.

-Safety traveling back to Peru
-The start of a new school year at Fetzer
-Vicky’s help in teaching Sunday school
-The beginning of construction on the third floor of our church building
-Full support for the coming year

As the Lord brings them to mind, please keep these requests before the Throne of Grace.

-Health of the teachers and students at Fetzer
-Spiritual growth of students
-Diligence in fulfilling my responsibilities
-Faithfulness and spiritual growth in my walk with the Lord
-A leader for Iglesia Bautista El Manantial during the Carlton’s furlough
-Church construction

Serving the Savior,
Heidi Robbins

*Bonus Fun Facts

- Though the thermometer may read temps in the upper 50’s and lower 60’s, we are currently in the middle of winter, and the chill in the air makes sweaters, coats, and warm socks a necessity! ;-)

-While there is no need for tornado drills at Fetzer, we did have an earthquake drill today! However, this drill was unplanned since we were actually experiencing a tremor! (Small tremors are fairly common in Lima. A small tremor sounds a bit like thunder rumbling in the distance and feels like a large semi-truck might be driving by, causing the windows to rattle and the floor to shake.)

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