Tuesday, February 22, 2011

February Update

Dear Praying Friends and Family,

Tonight as I stood in my kitchen and packed my lunch for the first day of school tomorrow, I thought to myself, “Where did the summer go?!” However, looking back over the last month, it is easy to see how summer slipped by so quickly! Tomorrow begins the second semester at Fetzer Memorial Christian Academy, and those of us who are teachers have spent the last few days putting the finishing touches on classrooms and lesson plans and preparing for the return of our students! Please keep us in prayer this week as we return to our school schedule and seek to serve one another and our students.

Now please allow me to recap the highlights of the past four weeks:

Junior High (Adolescentes) Camp- I had the privilege of counseling thirteen girls ages 13-18 for a week. It was not a week without challenges, however, it was a blessing to get involved in the lives of those teenagers and see some of them make decisions to change and grow in their walk with the Lord.

Pastors Camp- Three of us teachers from Fetzer spent the week working with the children of national Pastors. We held a VBS of sorts for the children while their parents were in special meetings. It was a busy week, but a lot of fun to sing and play games with the children, as well as get to know other families in ministry from all over the country.

Missionaries Camp- Always a highlight of the summer! All of the Baptist Mid-Missions missionaries and their families come together for a week of fellowship and fun. (The adults also have business meetings, but we get to play with the kids!) The five of us Fetzer teachers and the two ARRIBA students held VBS for the MKs during the mornings. We enjoyed turning the dining hall into an underwater world (complete with a submarine), hiding treasure for the week long treasure hunt, playing with the kids, swimming, teaching the Word of God, and enjoying the chance to invest in the lives of these special children. The entire week was an encouragement.

Vacation Bible School at Manchay- This past week marked a special milestone for Iglesia Bautista El Manantial. We held our first ever Vacation Bible School! How exciting to be a part of what God is doing in Manchay! I had the opportunity to teach the 10-12 year olds. We had up to 19 kids in our class and over 50 children attended in all. Sunday morning we had a closing program and many of the kids returned. Pray that some would continue to attend Sunday School, bring their parents, and make decisions for Christ.

That was the “short” summary of what has been happening down south. As the Lord brings them to mind, please keep the following requests before the throne of grace.

1) The start of the new semester at Fetzer. Wisdom for the teachers and adjustments for the students. (We have two new families this semester)
2) Ministries at El Manantial and follow-up from VBS. Growth in our Jovenes and in my girls Sunday School Class
3) Opportunities to encourage other believers and witness to unbelievers.
4) For my walk with the Lord, that I would be faithful to seek Him through His Word and prayer, to be led by the Spirit, and strive to have an attitude of servanthood.
5) For financial provision for the coming year.

Thank you all for your faithful prayers!

Serving the Savior,
Heidi Robbins

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