Saturday, June 26, 2010

News in June

The past month has absolutely flown by and I have so much to share with you all.

June gave me several opportunities to present in churches. On June 6th I presented my ministry at First Baptist Church in Plymouth, Illinois. They were a warm, caring group of people, and had the honor of being my "guinea pigs." The youth group of Plymouth also decided to take me on as their missionary project for Vacation Bible School (June 21-25).

June 13th I was able to present at my home church, Faith Baptist Church in Camp Point, IL during Sunday School. What a blessing to share with my own church family how God has been leading in my life. The church also graciously voted to take me on for monthly support.

June 20th brought me to First Baptist Church in Littleton, IL. I had the privilege of sharing the evening service with Janae Lindow, a college student who recently returned from spending a year of studies and ministry in Peru. It was a joy to glimpse a little of what God had done in her life throughout the year and to compare stories, memories, and lessons learned.

This month has been a remarkable reminder of God's provision as He has continually answered prayer and supplied needs. It is with great thankfulness that I am able to report that my support level has reached about 3/4 of the needed $8,000 dollars.

I am deeply grateful and incredibly humbled by the sacrificial generosity of God's people. These dear brothers and sisters in Christ have been living examples of Christ to me by giving of what they possess to the Lord's work. My heartfelt prayer is that I will hold this same attitude about the resources that God chooses to give me, whether they be small or great. May I recognize that everything I possess already belongs to the Lord and may I seek to use my possessions for the furtherance of His Kingdom and His glory.

Thank you for your continued prayers. As I countdown the final 6 weeks before leaving for Peru, please remember the following requests in prayer.

1. Pray for continued opportunities to witness as I complete the final 3 weeks at my full-time job.
2. Pray that I will find the right insurance coverage to use during the year I am in Peru.
3. Pray that God will provide just the right plane tickets with a good airline and within my price range. This requires a lot of research. :-)

Thank you to all who have faithfully been praying. I will continue to keep you updated as the time for departure draws closer.

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